Monday, March 30, 2009

March for Babies

Hi Friends and Family! As you might be aware, Patrick and I have been touched by the March of Dimes mission to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. That's why we have formed a Family Team, Bailey Inc, to raise money and participate in March for Babies. We walk in memory of our four children in heaven Hannah, Colin, Airen, and Dash. We walk in memory of our nephew Matthew. We also walk to honor our two sons, Aiden and Anthony. Aiden has benefited from the March of Dimes technology during the trials with his genetic disorder TRAPS. Anthony was born early, but is healthy today, due to the March of Dimes technology. Please join us in our fund raising efforts today by sponsoring our event.

We would love for you to walk with us! Join our team! If you are unable to walk with us, we would love financial support. Contributing to our team online is fast, easy and secure. You can donate directly from my personal web page with a credit/debit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on my web page.

Our family knows firsthand the challenges associated with prematurity and infant mortality. It is important to find out why premature birth happens and what can be done to prevent it. By raising money, ongoing research to answer these critical questions is funded. When you support our Family Team, you show you care and you give hope for defeating premature birth and other threats to babies.

Please join us and millions of compassionate people across the country who support March for Babies each year. We need your help. Visit my web page and sponsor our event!

With your support, there's hope.

My personal Web page address is...

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