When Abby was born I felt God telling me "tell the story" and at every opportunity I have tried to be faithful to testify to the miracle of our daughter's life. My story, my testimony of God's incredible faithfulness, is so intertwined with Abby's it's difficult to separate the two. I knew that I wanted to share our story on the day we dedicated her, so I gave my testimony and signed a song that was meaningful to our journey towards her, "
That's What Faith Can Do" by Kutless.

Abby waited patiently for Mommy to stop talking.

A baby dedication is more about the parents than the child. It is a time to recognize that God has entrusted us with a special gift and that as parents we have a great responsibility to raise that child to know, love, and serve Him. It is a time to dedicate ourselves as parents to that calling. It is a time for family and friends to dedicate themselves to aid us in raising that child in a Godly way. There's nothing magical or mystical about it, it does not ensure eternal life for Abigail, only she can make that decision. It is a commitment ceremony for the adults.

For our precious family it was a time of great celebration!