Our first snowman of the year!

Our first of Many packages that came to our house! This one was a Nativity set for the boys to play with from Nan and Grandaddy. Mommy was so excited because the boys liked it better than her "hand carved, hand painted by my Japanese grandfather, one of a kind, irreplaceable" nativity set they had been playing with!

What will make a boy smile like that?

or get this excited?

First snowcream of the year of course!!!

We love making our snowcream! It tasted yummy too!

I have tons of pictures to catch up on Abby, but most of them are not scanned in to the computer yet. However, this one, taken at 28 weeks (I'm 31 now!) is one of my all time favorites. Patrick was taking belly pics and Aiden just ran up and asked to "kiss Baby Abby!"

The boys preschool had a fun Saturday where families could come in and make a gingerbread house! We had a ton of fun! We enjoyed it, but didn't get into it like some of the families. There were some amazing contests going on between Moms and Dads to see who could make the most elaborate house. Lofts, second stories, and candy decorations galore! We were proud of our little house, although I think more candy went in our boys than on our house!

Is this where the star goes?

No? Is This where the star goes?

No? Oh! The star goes on top of our tree!

My silly, silly boys!

Seeing Santa! Neither of our boys would sit in Santa's lap and it took quite a while for them to warm up to even talking to him. But! There were no tears this year! Aiden asked for a RC car from Toy Story.

Anthony asked for a Woody from Toy Story. We had been asking Anthony for MONTHS what he wanted from Santa. This was the First time he told Anyone Anything he wanted. This picture was taken on the 19th!

What do you mean it's too dark to play outside in the snow?

It's only 4:30 in the afternoon!

If you think it's dark, we shall pummel you with snowballs!

Quick and easy Christmas cupcakes for our Preschool Christmas party.

Making an ornament at our party. Our boys take for granted that Mom and Dad will both go to their school parties and such. Ironically, I kind of took it for granted too, until this year. I missed their Halloween party because of morning sickness. So, I was so thrilled we were both able to go to the Christmas party. I was amazed at how many of the kids in the boys class commented to their parents that BOTH of Aiden and Anthony's parents came to the party. The children were enthralled by that! We are so blessed to have the schedules that we do!

There has been ALOT of sledding! Aiden Loves to go down the hill on his own!

Anthony is a little more cautious and prefers to go down with Daddy or Aiden. However, he has come such a Long way. Last year he lasted about 10 minutes in the snow before he would start crying to go home. This year, we can't get him in the van when it's time! We're pretty sure he'll be sledding on his own very soon!

Here's Aiden going down the big hill. Yes, that is a barrier of hay to keep him from going in the river. Yes, as a Mom I was very thankful to see it! This is the scene of the great "Glasses Fiasco" of 2009. Aiden hit a makeshift ramp on his way down the hill. The sled popped up and hit him in the eye, knocking his glasses lens into the snow, never to be recovered. That was his back up pair. Therefore, through the rest of our December pictures you will see a large wad of neon green duct tape on his glasses. Aiden wasn't worried about the glasses, but he was sad that Daddy thought it meant they should stop sledding for the day.


What goes down, must walk back up on their own!

Christmas Eve 2009
We had a beautiful Christmas Eve service at a local church. It was so neat this year, because both boys loved singing the carols and participating in the candlelight portion of the service. Although, I think my favorite part of the evening was after everyone in the auditorium blew out their candles a small voice yelled, "Nooooooo!!!!! I want the fire back!" Yes, that was my red headed son. Yes, he's following in his Mommy's footsteps!

After our traditional Christmas Eve dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken the boys opened their one present of new jammies.

Then, we made oatmeal raisin cookies for Santa.

Christmas Day 2009
Santa came!!!

Check out what Santa did to our house this year here.


Both boys got exactly what they asked for from Santa and many other wonderful things! Even Abby got some really cute things!

The next day the boys tried out their new snow shovels Mommy and Daddy gave them! They love them! Wonder how long That will last?

After some snow shoveling, we decided to go sledding again in the blizzard we were having. It was beautiful and the sledding hill was Crowded! I can't sled this year, but I sure did enjoy watching the boys have fun!

Hope you had a wonderful December! May the New Year bring you closer to God, closer to family, and closer to your dreams!!!