I am excited about being intentional with my children, making memories with them, instead of just letting the summer days go by. I am especially excited about spending extra time with my two oldest boys. We've done some neat activities already and it's only Friday. It's been a great week and a rough week. I'm emotionally tired for a hundred reasons. I'm working through some depression. I'm trying hard to take good care of my children through that. However, sometimes things don't always go just right. Thankfully, I'm learning the art of crying out to others for prayer support, apologizing to my children when I'm wrong, and remembering they are forgiving.
Today was Field Trip Friday. My amazing husband knows when I've had more than is good for me or my babies. So, I have taken a Field Trip in one direction and he and the littles have taken a Field Trip in the opposite direction. I'm looking forward to their description of their day later! I know they have been craving time with their Daddy. He is so great with them and I am so blessed to have Patrick. As I reflect on our week and plan for next week a few things came to mind. I didn't want to forget these lessons.
* Sometimes our imagination needs a push. Sometimes a tiny push takes you to imaginary bug friends named "Sticky" or elaborate stories about King Koopa and the Mario Brothers.
* Quiet time is a good thing. For everyone. Even if you are seven and think not talking is like death itself.
* "Me Don't Think Mama!" is Abby for "I don't know." It's too cute.
* Andon is the best thing I never knew I needed. He is such a blessing. Even when he won't sleep by himself and the weird position we slept in together makes my back hurt and my attitude grumpy. All too soon he will be done nursing. All too soon he will have crawling down, then running, and eventually even sleeping in his bed. I remember this time last year thinking Abby would Never sleep in her own bed when the new baby got here. Now she does.
* I have a Masters in Child Development. I know that object permanence typically develops at seven months. I know that correlates with separation anxiety. I know that my children typically display separation anxiety the most at night which results in us co-sleeping. Andon is my fourth child. Andon is currently displaying separation anxiety at night. Why am I still surprised by this?
* It's okay to admit to my children when I have a bad attitude. They might just suggest we pray about that. It might just change my attitude.
* It's important to teach my children that life is not all play. Although I love playing with them, I want them to learn that we can also work together and enjoy ourselves. This is something we all need to work on as a family.
Finally, yesterday was one of those "never forget" moments. For perspective Tuesday was a very bad day for my littles and I. We all seemed to be fighting and displaying poor attitudes, especially me. By Wednesday afternoon things were slightly better. So, when I decided to take them to a public place for lunch and then to the grocery store on Thursday I kind of felt like I was sticking my neck onto the chopping block trying to sabotage the improving week. By the time we left Wendy's everyone within a ten table radius knew the three oldest children's names. We are quite a sight, I know that, but I just felt eyes on us everywhere we went yesterday. They were just really active, nothing too bad, but to a bystander we exude chaos sometimes. I often refer to my job as "herding cats." As we were getting up to leave a lady half way across the restaurant caught my eye and said, "What's the little ones name???" I smiled and said, "Andon." She smiled back, shook her head and said, "good job Mama, good job, God bless you." It reminded me how blessed I am to have these little people. We proceeded to Wal-mart to buy a new beach towel with a gift card we had. Once again, I felt eyes around every corner silently judging my inability to parent four little people. Suddenly, God stepped in and removed the lies from my head, a problem I had been having all week. Walking through Wal-mart Aiden said, "Mama, I love summer, do you know why?" I said, "no, why Aiden?" And he warmed my Mommy heart by saying, "Because I get to spend Every Day with you." There was major emphasis on the Every. I know that will change soon, as soon as next year, or even by August. He won't find it a joy to spend every day with me. So, I took that treasure from his lips and stored it in my heart. I don't want to ever forget that.
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